Basic Philosophy of Islamic Banking refers to the tenets of Islam which is based on the Qur'an, and Al-Ijtihad Alhadist. Islam teaches about the efforts to achieve happiness in the world and the hereafter, to achieve spiritual and physical happiness. This means in achieving happiness of the world must be done well to achieve happiness hereafter.
Among them are in the field muamalah who still refer to the Principles of religious teachings as a bridge to happiness hereafter. As in Islamic banking that adheres to the basic - the basis Muamalat according to the Qur'an, hadith and al-ijtihad al.
Definition of Islamic Banking can be interpreted as a banking system that was developed based on the sharia (law) of Islam. Business system is based on the establishment of prohibition in Islamic religion to collect and borrow at interest or usury as well as the so-called ban on investment for businesses categorized as haram (ie business relating to the production of food / drink unclean, un-Islamic media efforts, etc. ), where this can not be guaranteed by the conventional banking system.
Some Basics on Islamic banking among others :
- Muamalah the provisions of Shari'a that regulate the matters relating to the way of life among human beings, such as buying and selling, trading, leasing, lending and borrowing, and so forth.
- Shari'a is the law or regulations specified for the servants of Allah as contained in the Qur'an and Hadith.
- Islamic Banking is the Banking System of the business activities and operations based on Sharia.
- Islamic banking is also based on statutory rules that govern the operational mechanism and management of Islamic banking in accordance with a predetermined, as conventional banks, except those contrary to Islamic law.
- Financing based on Islamic principles is the provision of money or bills equivalent based on an agreement between the Bank and other parties who require the parties to return the money or paid bills after a certain period in exchange or for the results
- The principle of rule of Sharia is Islamic law based on the agreement between the Bank and other parties to the financing or funding and business activities, or other activities in accordance with Sharia, among other things based on the principle of profit sharing Financing (mudarabah), based on the principle of equity financing (Musharaka), Principles buying and selling goods with profit (murabaha), or the financing of capital goods based on the principle of pure lease with no option (ijara), or by the choice of ownership transfer of the goods hired from the Bank by the other party (Ijarah wa iqtina).
- Among other fund-raising activities conducted in the form of: Current or Savings based on the principle of Wadi 'ah; Savings based on the principle of Wadi' ah and or Mudarabah; Mudarabah deposits based on principle.
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