Islam is the only Road to Safety World and the Hereafter

Banking Sharia or Islamic Bank is also called the Banking Law which refers to the Islamic law governing procedures for the implementation of the recommended savings and loans within Islam itself.

          In general, banks perform three major functions, which accept deposits, lend money, and provide remittance services. Banking has been around since the time of the Prophet in the economic history where Muslims, which is done by contract financing Shariah compliance has become a part of Muslim tradition since the time of the Prophet.  

         Practices such as accepting deposits treasure, as loans for consumption purposes and for business purposes, as well as sending money, has been prevalent since the time of the Prophet. Thus, the main functions of modern banking is to receive deposits, disbursing funds, and funds transfers have become an integral part of Muslim life, even since the time of the Prophet. Prophet, known by the nickname al-Amin, believed by the people of Mecca to receive deposits of property, so at the last moment before the Prophet migrated to Medina, he asked Hadrat Ali ra to return all the deposit to have them. In this concept, which can not take advantage of the treasure entrusted the deposit.
         A friend of the Prophet Muhammad, Zubair bin Awwam ra choose not to deposit the treasure. He would rather receive it in the form of loans. Zubir actions cause different implications, namely the first, by taking money as a loan, he has the right to use, secondly, because of its loans, it is obliged to return it intact.

         In addition the use of checks has been used since the trade between the countries Sham with Yemen. Even the reign of Caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab ra use checks to pay benefits to those who deserve it. And also the provision of working capital-based profit-sharing, such as mudaraba, muzara'ah, musaqah has been known since the beginning of the Emigrants and the Helpers.

         Can then be clear that the implementation of the functions of existing and evolving banking
at the time of the Prophet., although it does not perform all banking functions

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