Islam is the only Road to Safety World and the Hereafter

Deen Islam covers three things, namely: Islam, Iman and Ihsan. Islam speaks of birth problems, talk about inner faith, and ihsan covers both. Ihsan has a higher position of faith, and faith has a higher position than Islam. Islamization is not to be considered valid unless there is faith, because the consequences of creed includes the inner and outer.

At the Angel Gabriel asked about the concept of faith, Islam and Ihsan, the Prophet replied, "That faith is to let you mengimankan God, the Angel of God, Book of the Book of Allah, the Messenger of Allah, the Day Qiyamat, and mengimankan Taqdir, good and bad is God's provision . Islam is to let you testify that there is no God worthy of worship except Allah, and Muhammad is his messengers, establish prayer, pay the obligatory charity, fasting Ramadan, and Hajj when it is able to depart. While you should Ihsan is to worship God as you see Him, if not so, then surely God sees you ". (Narrated by Bukhari)

Ihsan is derived from the Hasana yuhsinu, which means it is doing good, while the form is ihsanan masdarnya, which means kindness. Allah swt. said. "If you do good, (meaning) you do good for yourself ..." (Surat al-Isra ': 7). And irfman God: "And do good (to others) as God does good to you ...." (Surat al-Qasas: 77)
Ibn Kathir interprets the above verse by saying that the good referred to in the verse is good to all creatures of Allah

Ihsan is the pinnacle of worship and morals are always the target of all servants of Allah. Therefore, good deeds make us figure that get the glory from Him. Conversely, a servant who is not able to achieve this target will lose the opportunity which is very expensive to occupy a respectable position in the eyes of Allah. Prophet was very concerned about this, so that all his teachings lead to one thing, namely to achieve the perfect worship and noble spirit.
Therefore, a Muslim should not look that good deeds only to the extent that the main character alone, but must be viewed as part of the creed and the largest part of Islam. Because Islam is built on three main runway, a faith, Islam, and ihsan, as has been explained by the Prophet. in a saheeh hadith. This hadith tells the time 'Rasulullah SAW. The angel Gabriel answered questions disguised as a man of Islam, faith, and ihsan. After Gabriel left, the Prophet. said to his companions, "This is Gabriel who came to teach you your religion and your affairs." He called three of the above as a religion, and even Allah. ordered to do good deeds in many places in the Qur `an.

"You serve God, as if you were to see him. If you can not see Him, believe He'll see you. "(Narrated by Muslim)

Translation Hadith above is a piece of translation traditions of Islam, faith, charity, and the signs of the coming Day of Judgement which was narrated by Imam Muslim. The full translation of the hadith is as follows. "From Umar, he said: On a day when we sat near the Prophet, suddenly appeared a man dressed in very white and very black hair. In himself invisible traces of a long journey and no one among us who knew him. Then he sat before the Prophet, then mendempetkan knees to knees of the Prophet, and put both hands on her thighs, then said, "O Muhammad, you thought about Islam." Then the Prophet replied, "Islam is let you believe there is no the right to worship god except Allah and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. Whom you establish prayer, pay Zakat, fasting during Ramadan, and pilgrimage to the house of Allah if you are able to do it. "The man says," You are right "We were surprised, because he who asks and he also put it right. The man asked again, "Then you thought about faith," the Prophet replied, "of whom you believe in God, believe in His angels, the books of the bible, the messengers, the Last Day, and be thou faithful to the destiny of good and bad" man said, "You are right" Then the man asked again "Then you thought about ihsan." (He) said, "of whom you worship Allah as though you are seeing Him. However, if you can not (worship as if) to see Him, truly He sees you. "The man said again," Tell me about the Hour "He replied," People who were asked did not know better than to ask. "People It goes on to say, "Tell me the signs" He replied, "If the slave gave birth to her master and you see people who go barefoot Bedouin, a poor shepherd again competing in the building." Then they left, while I remain for some time. Then the Prophet said, "O Umar, do you know anyone who asks that?" I replied, "Allah and His Messenger know better." Then he said, "He is the angel Gabriel who comes to your religion teach you to . '(Narrated by Muslim)

Ihsan interpreted as a vision of God exalted to His servant and visions themselves servants to Allah, we demonstrated this can be like a mirror, where we can see ourselves through the mirror. People who do good (Muhsin) is one who can see Allah through a substance (later in the day) and His nature, and if it can not see Him then rest assured Allah saw. Thus, the feeling of self muraqabah supervised by Allah in all things, is important and the main thing to do because muraqabah is a charity itself

Ehsan covers three fundamental aspects. Thirdly it is worship, muamalah, and morals. We are obliged ihsan in worship, that is by performing all kinds of worship, such as prayer, fasting, pilgrimage, and so the right way, that is perfect condition, harmonious, sunna, and civilized-adabnya. With full awareness that God is continually monitoring it until he feels that he is being seen and cared for by God, at least will make it able to perform all worship in earnest and good. This is the intent of the words of the Prophet which says, "You shall worship Allah as though you are seeing Him, and if you can not see Him, then indeed He sees you."
Now it is clear to us that the real meaning of worship itself is very broad. So, besides the type of worship that we mentioned earlier, is no less important are also other types of worship such as jihad, respect for the believer, educating children, fun wife / husband, work, whatever we intend each to do to get the pleasure of Allah. Hence the Prophet wants his people always in such circumstances, that is always aware if he wants to realize ihsan in worship.

Ihsan Allah described. in surah An-Nisa 'verse 36: "Worship Allah and do not ascribe him with nothing. And do good to his two mothers, fathers, close relatives, orphans, poor people, neighbors near and far neighbors and peers, and the servant of Ibn sabil right hands possess. Allah loves not those who are arrogant and bragging about yourself. "(Surat an-Nisa '36)

In their work, we should work Ehsan, charity work is to work with sincerity, to work with the hope of reward and pleasure of Allah. A person who works in charity will carry out his job with a vengeance, both when in halayak crowded and when to be alone so that he can produce the best. Prophet said: "The best business is the business hands of a worker if he do it with sincerity" (Narrated by Ahmad)

Prophet said: "Truly Allah loves a worker when working in charity" (and Thabrani Bayhaqi narrated from ibn Shihab al-Kulaib Jurmi). Verily, Allah requires valid "ihsan" (work quality) over all things (Narrated by Muslim).

If we want to see the value of good deeds in a person obtained from the worship, then we will find it in muamalah life. How he bermuamalah with fellow human beings, environment, job, family, and even to himself.
In conclusion, the charity is the crowning achievement in worship, muamalah, and morals. Therefore, all people are aware of this of course will try with all the potential it has to arrive at that level. Whoever we are, whatever our profession, in the eyes of God there is nothing more noble than the others, except those who have risen to the level of ihsan in all sides and the value of his life.

Source : Jalan Da'wah Bersama

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