Islam is the only Road to Safety World and the Hereafter

As a concrete step sharia banking development efforts in Indonesia, Bank Indonesia has formulated a Grand Strategy of Islamic Banking Market Development, a comprehensive strategy of development of the market who covers strategic aspects, namely: Determination of the vision 2010 as a leading Islamic banking industry in ASEAN, image formation The new national Islamic banking which is inclusive and universal, market mapping more accurately, a more diverse product development, service improvement, as well as a new communications strategy that positioned the Islamic banking is more than just a bank.

Furthermore, various programs have been and will be made concrete as the implementation phase of the grand strategy for the development of Islamic banking financial markets, among others, are as follows:

First, implement a new vision of development of Islamic banking in Phase I in 2008 to build an understanding of Islamic banking as a Beyond Banking, with the achievement of the target assets of Rp 50 trillion and industry growth by 40%, phase II in 2009 to make Indonesia as an Islamic banking Islamic banking the most attractive in ASEAN, with the achievement of the target assets of Rp.87 trillion and industry growth by 75%. Phase III in 2010 to make Indonesia Islamic banking as a leading Islamic banking in ASEAN, with the achievement of the target assets of Rp.124 trillion and industry growth by 81%.

Second, a new imaging program that includes aspects of Islamic banking positioning, differentiation, and branding. The new positioning of Islamic banks as banking mutually beneficial to both parties, aspects of differentiation with a competitive advantage with products and schemes are diverse, transparent, competent and ethical financial, information technology is constantly up-date and user friendly, as well as the investment expert Islamic finance are adequate. While the aspect of branding is "Islamic bank is more than just a bank or banking beyond".

Third, a new program to a more accurate mapping of the potential Islamic banking markets in general direct service Islamic bank or banks as a universal service to all levels of society and all segments in accordance with their respective strategies of Islamic banks.

Fourth, product development programs are geared to a diverse variety of products backed by the unique value offered (mutually beneficial) and support an extensive network of offices and the use of standardized product names are easy to understand.

Fifth, service quality improvement program that is supported by competent human resources and provision of information technology that is able to meet customer needs and satisfaction and be able to communicate the Islamic banking products and services to customers correctly and clearly, while still meeting the principles of sharia; and

Sixth, outreach programs and public education more broadly and efficiently through various means of communication directly, or indirectly (print, electronic, online / web-site), which aims to provide an understanding of the benefits of Islamic banking products and services that can be utilized by the community.

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