Islam is the only Road to Safety World and the Hereafter

Prophet Muhammad was a businessman and a reliable merchant. His vision in only one trade, namely:

"That the transaction of business in no way intended to foster personal wealth, but instead to build the honor and glory of ethical business with eminence. The results obtained should be distributed to as many people. "

Principles that he held enough 3 things only, namely:

    1. honest
    2. Mutually beneficial to both parties
    3. Sell ​​only high quality products

Three of the above principle animating the way his business. Here is the example of him as a merchant / seller:

    1. Should not lie and deceive purchasers of goods sold
    2. Look for a reasonable profit. If the buyer asks, say the price of capital
    3. To customers who can not afford to pay cash (cash), give them time to pay it off. If he really can not afford it after the resignation deadline, when he had tried, then ikhlaskanlah
    4. Avoid excessive swearing, let alone a false oath in order to trick consumers
    5. Commit the transaction if there has been an agreement between seller and buyer
    6. Perform the weighing and dosing correctly and accurately as possible
    7. Keep in mind that the buyer who pays up front that he could not sell it before the goods actually belong to him (paid for in advance)
    8. Do not trade monopoly in the trade, give another chance to trade as well.

Hopefully we can all emulate him. amen


    1. Rasulullah SAW said, "When do the sales, say: there is no fraud."
    2. Rasulullah SAW said, "Both sides in the trade transaction has the right to cancel, as long as they are not separated. If they are telling the truth, explain things clearly, then the transaction they will receive blessings. But if you hide things and lie, then the blessings that exist in their transactions will be lost. "(Bukhari and Muslim)
    3. Jabir narrated that the Prophet said, "God's grace upon those who kindly when he sold and bought, and when he made the decision." (Bukhari)
    4. Prophet's advice, "Avoid a lot of swearing when conducting commercial transactions, because it can generate rapid sales, and eliminate a blessing."
    5. Abu Sa'id narrated that the Messenger of Allah said, "The merchant is honest and trustworthy will be included in the class of the prophets, the truthful and the martyrs."
    6. Ibn 'Umar narrated from the Prophet, "These two groups within the trade transaction has the right to cancel only to the extent they have not split up, except transasksi it difficult for the group to cancel." (Bukhari and Muslim)

Source : Cara Muhammad

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