Are you a student, trying to decide what industry will hold the most promise when you graduate? Are you looking for a halal career in a growth industry with good salary potential?
JAKARTA, — Islamic banking is impeded with regulations, permits, capital, and the more serious one is the lack of bankers. Deputy Director of Bank Indonesia Syaria Banking, Mulya Effendi Siregar, reminded that the lack of bankers is one reason why the operations of some islamic public banks have been delayed.
Among operational islamic banks, the limited number of bankers has caused a hijacking war. In several months of operations, some bankers have already moved onto other new syaria banks.
According to Mulya, the hijacking war is normal for a growing industry. “According to the data, the human resources needed for islamic banks is up to 22,000 personnel. But so far only 14,000 are available.”
An islamic banker, who wishes to remain anonymous, stated that the lack of human resources in islamic banking is especially on the directional level. “I moved because I want a more lucrative opportunity. It’s like swapping an old shirt that’s too small with a new one that fits.” This senior banker moved to a new islamic bank recently launched a few months ago.
Another banker who plans to swap his banner is Ismi Kushartanto. Unfortunately, the former high official of BNI’s Islamic Business Unit wasn’t willing to reveal which syaria bank he’ll be moving to. He only said that he had passed the fit and proper test of Bank Indonesia, two months ago.
Regarding his new salary and reason of resignation, he was also unwilling to reveal. Banking authorities claim to have endeavored so that this human resource issue doesn’t become a lasting stigma. But so far the efforts have been in vain. (Ruisa Khoiriyah/Kontan/C17-09)
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